If someone is ever unfortunate enough to be in a serious car accident, the first point of concern is whether any party involved in the accident has sustained serious injuries. Car accidents are commonplace, and they result in severe injuries every day. Beyond that, the next inquiry is on the economic side of things: what insurance will cover, how much repairs will cost, and to what extent one party may be economically liable to another. In such a situation, it would be wise to contact an expert car accident attorney at 617-787-3700.
When a car accident does occur, we at least expect one or both of the parties involved to be responsible for the economic consequences of the collision, regardless of who might have been driving. Fundamental notions of fairness and accountability reinforce the notion that only those directly responsible for something like a car crash should have to share in its burden.
This notion of fairness is exactly why Delaware County, Pennsylvania residents are up in arms after learning that a Pennsylvania state representative has crashed her car three times in the past three years, and each time the repairs and insurance bills have been footed by the state taxpayers. Representative Margo Davidson has allegedly racked up $30,000 in insurance and repairs for car accidents over the past three years, leading many to wonder what kind of system would allow such a use of taxpayer money. The most recent incident came when Rep. Davidson rear-ended another car, only for the officer on site to discover she was driving with a suspended license.
If you or a loved one has been injured as the result of a car crash, you may be entitled to significant monetary relief. Act now and contact an expert car accident attorney here at the Law Offices of Gilbert R. Hoy, Jr. and Affiliates to discuss your potential claim. Call our Boston injury attorney professionals today at 617-787-3700 or email us at info@gilhoylaw.com for your free and private consultation. Your needs are our top priority!